Law 206 of 2021 that created the Panamanian Food Agency

Law 206 of March 30, 2021, creates the new Panamanian Food Agency (APA) as an autonomous institution of the State and the repeal of the Panamanian Food Health Authority (AUPSA).

The purpose of the APA is to manage and verify the agro-industrial and industrial production of food, the export, and import of food, its transit and transshipment, taking into account animal health, plant health, quarantine, and safety, and international trade regulations.

Key Aspects of Law 206

  • The Ministry of Agricultural Development (MIDA), the Ministry of Health (MINSA), and the Ministry of Industry (MICI) are the entities in charge of developing requirements, and standards, and ensuring compliance with international trade regulations.
  • This law applies to raw materials, products, and by-products of animal, vegetable, and mineral origin for food use, whether domestic or imported, in transit and transshipment.
  • The APA will be in charge of a digital platform linked to MINSA, MIDA, and MICI, among other institutions to ensure modern, efficient, and transparent procedures.
  • In case of infractions against the law, penalties of up to B./1,000,000,000 may be established.

For more details on the law see here:

Law 206

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Published April 2nd, 2021, as Laws on Other by Johana Sum