Executive Decree No. 148 of December 2001

Executive Decree No. 148 of Panama establishes the creation of the National System of Public Investments (SNIP), which aims to improve the planning, monitoring, and evaluation of public investments in the country. The Directorate of Investment Programming (DPI) of the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) will be responsible for coordinating this system.

The SNIP seeks to ensure that public investments are carried out efficiently, transparently, and in line with national development plans. To achieve this, important procedures are established, such as the identification and comprehensive formulation of projects, the evaluation and selection of projects using objective criteria, medium and long-term investment programming, continuous monitoring, and periodic evaluation of ongoing projects.

The Decree aims to strengthen the management of public investments in Panama, promoting efficiency and transparency in the use of resources and contributing to the country’s development.

Obtain the right legal assistance

If you have any doubts or need assistance regarding Executive Decree No. 148 of December 2001, Kraemer & Kraemer is at your service. Contact us today, let our professionals provide you with the guidance and support necessary to ensure proper compliance with this decree.

Download Executive Decree No. 148 of December 2001 (in spanish):

Executive Decree No. 148 of December 2001

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